Kodak Retina 1a

Around town with a German Kodak

The Kodak Retina 1a. Designed by Ernst Nagel, a lovely and fun camera when time and leisure are your photographic friends.

Scarcity & Abundance on view at Around Oregon Biennial

The film has its first showing among other Oregon artists.

A pretty little camera, Fujica 35-ml

The stylish Fuji 35ML is a treat to use, and really like few other rangefinders out there.

Performance documentation, stage 2 execution – What is a photo call?

Have you ever heard of a photo call? No, don't worry you're not alone - let's talk about it!

Performance documentation, stage 1 planning

You need performance photography? Why? Let's talk about how to make your production images shine.

Theater process documentation, some thoughts

The changing shape of a theater production.